
A team of designers.

Leader in universal design in Quebec, Société Logique is a non-profit organization founded in 1981 by a team of professionals with functional limitations. 1981 was the International year of disabled persons and a turning point for developing their rights.

Against this backdrop, a group of former users and collaborators of the Lucie-Bruneau Rehabilitation Centre in Montreal decided to carry out a housing project aimed at integrating people living with functional limitations. It is from this innovative idea from Pierre Richard, architect in private practice, Patricia Falta, professor of architecture at the University of Montreal, René Dallaire, chartered accountant and MBA, Raymond Dumais, archivist at the ministry of Cultural Affairs, and Jean-Marc Chabot, secretary-general of the Liaison committee for persons with disabilities, that was born the Community Housing Society Logique (a combination of « Logis », meaning « dwelling » in French, and Quebec).

Our Board of Directors comprises 10 people from different backgrounds, all involved in accessibility issues and dedicated to universal design. They contribute to compliance with the rules for the organization’s democratic functioning. 6 directors are chosen by the regular members at the annual general meeting, 2 are co-opted by the Board of Directors, 1 is co-opted without voting rights by the Board of Directors, and the Executive Director is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

The human being is central to our concerns and we maintain connections with organizations in several countries. Our network of collaborators includes, among others, architects and urban planners, scholars, occupational therapists, sustainable development professionals, researchers and associations whose mission is to defend the rights of people with functional limitations.

Our Directors

Membres du conseil d'administration
Back row from left to right : Jean-Pierre Morier, President – Retired from Manulife Financial (Assistant Vice-President – Tax, Investment Funds); Adèle Boucher, Vice-President – Senior Consultant, Infrastructure Consulting Division – KPMG; Marie-Chantal Lussier, Treasurer – Director, Investment Operations – Manulife Financial; Pierre-Étienne Gendron Landry, Secretary – General Manager – Société Logique; Pearl Coutépéroumal, Co-opted Director – Consultant – Espace Stratégies; Marie-Ève Dostie, Director – Project Manager, Project Development – EXO – Réseau de transport métropolitain; Front row : Jean-Pierre Racette, Co-opted Director – Directeur général – Société d’habitation populaire de l’Est de Montréal (SHAPEM) Absent : Clément Badra, Administrator – Elected representatives support manager office Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de- Grâce – Ville de Montréal – Réseau de transport métropolitain; Louis Lévesque, Administrator – Retired from the Government of Québec


In 1983, the Community Housing Society Logique develops the first universally accessible housing project in Quebec, Habitation Logique Quesnel, by recycling an old school in Little Burgundy into 17 housing units adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

Today, Société Logique owns 5 residential buildings under the management of Société d’habitation populaire de l’Est de Montréal (SHAPEM): the living quarters Habitation Logique Quesnel, Habitation Logique St-Joseph, Habitation Logique Perras, Habitation Logique St-Jacques and Habitation Logique Regain-de-Vie. The SHAPEM offers us a strategic alliance for the promotion of universal accessibility. Our buildings provide quality social housing to the entire population, including people with functional limitations, and have a total of 166 units which illustrate the concept of universal design. The resident population reflects the neighborhoods and boroughs of these properties, and we promote inclusion.

Professionalism and thoroughness

To act with great proficiency at all times and in all circumstances, with accuracy, logic and precision.


A society where everyone has the same chances and opportunities, regardless of their characteristics.


To work together towards a common goal, taking into account everybody's strengths and constraints.


Everyone has something to contribute that would enrich the collective action.


To help and involve others contributes to collective success.


Grant to each his due, fairly and impartially.


A society where everyone has a place, commensurate with their aspirations.


To accept, listen to and take into account differences.


The best solutions are the ones that we have not yet imagined.

Our team

Competent, committed and receptive, our team of universal design professionals has a diversified expertise in architecture, urban planning, urban development and interior design. Thanks to them, Société Logique is a partner recognized for publishing relevant information about universal design, for the development of universally accessible environments, as well as for its interventions in public debate, its training programs and its consulting services.

A player for social change

Société Logique offers consulting services aimed at integrating the concept of universal design into architecture and planning projects. Our mandate is provincial and our partnership with local, regional and national organizations, with municipalities and professional bodies brings involvement in a wide variety of activities. By acting as a leader in universal design, Société Logique positions itself as a promoter of the right to equality and an inclusive society, by generating more functional urban developments for the entire population.

Photography by Josie Montserrat.