
Our research, your development

Taking a stance

April 6, 2018
Comments on the Proposed Regulation to amend Quebec’s Construction Code, chapter 1, Building, promoting accessibility within residential dwellings, sent to the attention of Michel Beaudoin, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) (French language only).

Workshops and lectures

Coming soon.


June 18, 2018
Reconversion of the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Anne in Lachine – Combining heritage preservation and a sustainable and inclusive living environment, brief submitted to the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) as part of the public consultation on the project of the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Anne in Lachine (French language only).

June 1, 2017
Real estate project 2175 Saint-Patrick – Towards a sustainable living environment for all, brief submitted to the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) as part of the public consultation for the real estate project at 2175, St. Patrick Street (French language only).

April 21, 2017
For a truly sustainable and inclusive neighborhood, brief submitted to the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) as part of the public consultation for the project of development for the central part of Technopôle Angus (French language only).

Collective thinking

June 14, 2018
Towards a consensual proposal for pedestrian and cyclist friendly urban developments, final report of the Pedestrian-Cyclist Conversations project, made possible thanks to financial support of the Social Diversity and Sports Department of the City of Montreal (French language only).

Guides and criteria

July 30, 2017
Guide to Universal Accessibility for New Buildings and the Expansion, Renovation and Maintenance of Existing Municipal Buildings, produced for the City of Montreal, a complete guide comprising a criteria checklist (French language only).

November 30, 2016
Guide to Interpreting Universal Accessibility Provisions in the Urban Development Plan of Greater Montreal, produced for the City of Montreal, a document dealing specifically with building implantation (French language only).

September 21, 2015
Study on the Costs of Incorporating Accessibility Features into New Modest Homes, produced for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, a document detailing the cost of universal design in housing in four major Canadian cities (French language only).

February 20, 2014
Universal Accessibility Criteria: Visual Impairment – Outdoor Facilities, all you need to know about universal design within urban developments, produced in collaboration with the Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (French language only).

May 2, 2012
Guide to Developing a Universally Accessible Museography, produced for the Support Service for Museum Institutions in Quebec, a document combining universal design and the creation of art exhibitions (French language only).

September 5, 2010
Towards the Universal Accessibility of Public Transit, A Practical Guide for Developing and Implementing a Development Plan intended for Transport Providing Authorities, produced for the Quebec Ministry of Transport, a document detailing a structured and collaborative approach (French language only).

June 11, 2010
Guide to the Needs of Persons with Functional Limitations in terms of Public Transit, produced for RUTA Montreal, a document describing the main needs of seniors, young families and people with disabilities in their use of regular public transportation systems (French language only).

Annual reports


2022 Activities Report – Société Logique
(French language only)

2022 Activities Report – Société Logique
(French language only)

2021 Activities Report – Société Logique
(French language only)

2020 Activities Report – Société Logique
(French language only)

2019 Activities Report – Société Logique
(French language only)

2018 Activities Report – Société Logique
(French language only)

May 3, 2018
2017 Activities Report – Société Logique, as 2017 will be remembered as the year of our new website, a real presence on social networks, the PPAS AU audit, the shops on Promenade Masson and Vision Zero, in addition to multiple achievements described in this annual report (French language only).

May 3, 2017
2016 Activities Report – Société Logique, annual report which presents the main activities carried out at Société Logique between January 1st and December 31st, 2016. Our achievements are mainly related to the promotion and the collective defense of rights. (French language only).