Hello everyone,

I invite you to sign and to invite your family and colleagues to sign this petition on the website of the National Assembly:


As you know, Société Logique receives funding as a collective rights organization, and this is the only public funding we receive as a non-profit.

Since 1995, the financial support granted to us by the Secretariat for Independent Community Action and Social Initiatives (SACAIS) has not been increased or indexed. Imagine if you hadn’t got a salary increase since 1995… It is the capacity to act on a whole section of the economy and the social safety net that is crumbling from year to year.

In this pre-budget and pre-election period, organizations are mobilizing. The petition on the National Assembly’s website is one of the ways to signify to the Quebec government that it’s time to make a significant adjustment. It asks our elected officials to commit to preserving the community environment and social justice through, among other things, an increase in annual funding for the mission of autonomous community action organizations and an annual indexation of subsidies.

I invite you to take a few moments to sign it. An increase in funding from the SACAIS will allow Société Logique to make more interventions to promote and develop universal design. Do not delay, you have until February 4th, 2018.

Thank you!

Sophie Lanctôt, Executive Director