Existing development
Société Logique offers an assessment service for a space, a building or an equipment, whether it is accessible or not, to owners, managers, designers or legislators concerned by planning-related issues. Whether it is an exterior or interior project, we will help you evaluate its level of universal accessibility and plan for improvement work.
The universal accessibility audit of an existing layout allows for identifying all the problems of a space based on the needs of all types of users, according to our complete assessment grid. Our overall evaluation process is much more comprehensive than a simple compliance with the Quebec Construction Code's section 3.8 on barrier-free design. It includes site visits, information gathering, analysis of the complete list of issues and drafting of a report including our recommendations.
Proposed solutions
After the analysis, we make preliminary recommendations based on the concept of universal design, taking into account the needs of all users likely to use the space, including people with functional limitations. Solutions are developed in the form of sketches or descriptions and may be accompanied by a budget estimate. Then, people in charge have all the information necessary to prioritize the problems to be solved and to decide what modifications should be made.
The selected proposal can then be developed and itemized by our consultants in the form of building plans and specifications, usually in collaboration with the project designer selected by the owner. Architects, engineers, landscape architects and urban planners are called upon to control all aspects of a project and it is advantageous for them to be supported by a consultant specialized in universal design from Société Logique.